Both my sister and I went to school to be teachers. We have always loved learning and photography is no different. There is so many different aspects of the phototgraphy world, and so many classes. We've taken dozens of online classes and participated in shootouts and workshops but by far our favorite form of learning is hands on mentoring. #oneononementoring
In the three years, that we've had our business, we've had four amazing Mentors. Our first mentor Gina Whalen is now in South Carolina and she helped with family posing and a lot of the business side of things. Brenda Abate has been our second mentor and she's helped us with so much. We've done one-on-ones with Newborn sessions and the angles, children and seeing the light, and my favorite the styled children session in the couture dresses. A hands-on Newborn mentoring session with Rebecca Gould Photography, we had a great time with two beautiful newborns. And our last mentoring session, was with Kate Boggs from Tampa for maternity photography and creating the connection with our clients. #ginawhalenphotography #abatefineartportaits #rebeccagouldphotography #kateboggsphotography
It's impossible to put into words the gratitude that I have of my mentors. They were all so different. Edited differently, focused on different genres, but they were all so damned gifted. Thank you to these amazing photographers for helping us grow in our photography. And for anyone reading this who is new and starting out, don't be afraid to go for your dreams, but be sure to work for it. Nothing in life is free. Don't be afraid to invest in yourself, and in mentoring session. Find a photographer's work that you love, and ask if they offer mentoring! It's WORTH it!!!
#newbornmentoring #maternitymentoring #stcharlesil #illinoisphotographers #communityovercompetition #alwaysgrowing